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3 most neglected household items that you can avoid this Spring.

Spring time is here and I am sure you probably have a spring cleaning check list or a to do list. There are several household items that seem to get neglected over time because they are not right in front of us. So it is easy to do. Easy to forget. Out of sight out of mind. As a realtor I see things all the time so here is my list of neglected I see the most!

  1. The chimney- When was the last time you had your chimney looked at? Probably never right? The exterior of a chimney for older homes are just siding board and once they start to have water damage or rot they can start a roof leak slowly and over time do some big damage. Have the exterior of your chimney checked and replace any siding before that happens. Have your chimney check and cleaned and least once every two years.

  2. AC units- Making sure your condensation lines are clean will avoid a clog. Using vinegar and water every 3 months will help. Its's helpful to have annual checks for both the AC and furnace Spring and Fall. You don't want to be without a working unit during the summer or without heat in the winter. Plus HVAC systems are a big ticket item when you are selling your home and making sure it's running in good working condition can save you money in the long run.

  3. Garage doors- Every two years have them serviced. You will prolong the life of your doors. Garage doors are very expensive so keep them operational as long as you can. If you can do it yourself, great. It can be dangerous so make sure you really know what you're doing. I prefer to call the professional on this one.

Other common neglected household items

4. flushing the water heater

5. changing out water filters

6. changing out air conditioner filters

7. sprinkler system

8. rain gutters

9. blowing out the laundry vent

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